Vending at Wild Herb Weekend
Vending at WHW is a great way to meet other members and network at WHW. Tables are provided - you just bring your product! Interns are available to help unload and load your vehicles.
Come hang out on the porch on Saturday. (Meals and classes are not included with the vendor fee.)
One space (includes one table): $30
Additional Vendor Table $20 (not to exceed a total of two tables)
(Meals and classes are not included for the vendor fee.)
Application Due Date: Applications are due on or before 12:00 p.m. on June 30, 2024.
Vendor Space: We supply one vendor table 4’ x 6’ which are placed in the Annex building (and the Inn if space is needed). Some vendors will be placed inside the Annex. Let us know on the application if you would like to be indoors or on a covered porch. Electricity is only available for indoor spaces, which are limited. You will be responsible for bringing your own drop cords. Additional tables must be reserved at time of application. There are rocking chairs, benches and folding chairs available on the porch for your use.
Any special requests must be made at the time of application.
Booth Map: Vendors will be told of their assigned places upon arrival.
Important Info: All vendors must complete a vending form by clicking here then paying here. Upon payment NCHA will review your application and may contact you for further information. Vendors will be notified July 1, 2024 via email regarding acceptance or rejection of your vendor application.
You may be denied if we have too many of one specific product, or your products do not conform to NCHA standards of natural products/botanical products.
Please fill out the required vendor application, and attach any photos that you may have of your products, booths and your webpage for our review. Vendors rejected will be refunded their vendor payment in full. Refunds are generally not given for conference attendance unless first reviewed by the Board. Returning vendors and business members will be given preference assignment. To become a member of NCHA, please click here.